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ThetaHealing Advanced DNA

Duration: 3 Days     ::     Investment: $500     ::     Includes: Book, Manual

Prerequisites: Basic DNA

No journey worth doing is just one step. Advanced DNA, the second of the core classes of Theta Healing, takes the new practitioner into more advanced territory. Using the ThetaHealing meditation to bring the mind into the theta brainwave state, the students in this class learn to identify regrets in their life, resentments that they hold, and rejections that they have experienced and to clear them from their path. Resentment, regret, and rejection form emotional blocks that prevent people from achieving their potentials, often out of deeply seated fear and anxiety. These exercises help them to open themselves to energy pathways that they could not before have used, and allows them to accept positive healing from the instructor.

Advanced DNA is designed to amplify clarity and awareness for the students, so that they can begin to achieve more potent results and set higher goals.


Techniques that are taught and utilized in this class include Downloading of Feelings, Baby in the Womb, and Heal the Broken Soul. These exercises guide students through their own resentments and commitments, and help them explore their belief systems more thoroughly, including deeply rooted cultural and familial beliefs, to help them see the deeper qualities and realities of their life.


Advanced DNA completes the introduction of the fundamentals of Theta Healing and prepares the student to choose appropriate electives that most match their life goals and problems.


Online: June 7-9, 2024: Friday 7-10 pm EST, Saturday and Sunday 12-6 pm EST

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